The Eliminator, the one and only patented Collision Avoidance System
on the Market. Period.
If you’re not running with the Eliminator,
Collision Avoidance is Essential

Firefighter Deaths enroute to scene.
Avoidable Accidents involving Emergency Vehicles (2005).
Deaths due to emergency vehicle accidents (2000).
Auto liability claims against the Phoenix FD during a 10 month period (2005).
Damage to EMV estimated at over $730,000 during same 10 month period (2005).
A More Detailed Look
Available for use on any emergency vehicle as well as city transit.
PreEmption and Collision Avoidance is Essential
Statistics show that nearly half (40%) of firefighters killed in the line of duty die in traffic accidents enroute to the scene. In 2000, over 500 deaths occurred in accidents involving emergency vehicles2. During the period January 2002 through October 13, 2005, auto liability claims alone cost the Phoenix Arizona Fire Department $3.98 million, while damage to apparatus was estimated at over $730,000. In the 1.8 million miles logged by the Phoenix F.D. during that time period, 507 vehicle accidents occurred, of which 308 were determined to have been preventable3.
Eliminator System Increases:
- The area that emergency vehicles can cover within required response times
- Safety of emergency vehicle personnel and the public
- The speed of responders in reaching a scene
- The time available for making critical decisions
Traffic Signal PreEmption
The process of allowing emergency vehicles to manipulate traffic signals in their path, halting conflicting traffic and allowing the emergency vehicle the right-of-way. Proven effective in reducing response times, while simultaneously enhancing traffic safety (by dramatically reducing collisions with innocent motorists who may enter the intersection on a green light, but do not hear or see the approaching emergency vehicle).
Eliminator System Reduces:
- Response times
- The cost of replacing emergency vehicles damaged in crashes
- The damage to public and private property caused by delayed responses to fires, chemical spills, and other hazardous events
- Fatalities
- The legal liability of public agencies when motorists are injured
- Insurance premiums due to an improvement in ISO classification